Join OverSeeIt

The OverSeeIt Referral Network is comprised of inspectors who offer oversight and other inspection services. There is no cost to join. Listings are free for qualifying inspectors.

How Do I Get a Listing?

Step 1:

Meet The Requirements

You must be a
Certified Professional Inspector (CPI)®
to qualify for a listing.

Step 2:

Join OverSeeIt

We instantly verify your certification with InterNACHI®. If you qualify, click the button below to join now.

Step 3:

Maintain Your Certification

We automatically enable and disable listings based on an individual's CPI® certification status.

Join the OverSeeIt Referral Network

I confirm I am a Certified Professional Inspector (CPI)®.

You will be redirected to InterNACHI® to verify your qualifications.

I Joined. Now What?

Manage Your Listing Information

You can manage your listing information directly from InterNACHI’s Member-Controlled Profile Editor. It updates your listing information in real time, including your company name, phone number, email address, website address, and ZIP/postal code.

Download InterNACHI’s Repair Verification Logo

The InterNACHI® Repair Verification logo is available for use by all current InterNACHI® Certified Home Inspectors who have joined the OverSeeIt Referral Network. Add it to your marketing materials and website to promote your oversight services. Download the logo at Certification Logos for Your Inspection Business.

Market Your Oversight Services

Advertise your oversight inspection services with OverSeeIt Rack Cards. Use them to inform your clients that you can help with their future repair and renovation projects. These rack cards are perfect for securing repeat home inspection clients. The rack cards are available for purchase from Inspector Outlet.